Parent Helpers
Parent helpers are always welcome at St Michaels. This can take the form of listening to students read; participating in craft activities; providing help during excursions and camps; assisting in sports activities, including the coaching and management of school sporting teams; and assisting with the Sacramental programs by attending retreat days. We are always looking for ways to include the talents of our wider community in our curriculum to enrich the learning of our students, so if you have skills or experiences you can share please contact your child's teacher.
We ask regular volunteer helpers to read the following document, sign and return to the front office.
Working Bees
These are conducted several times a year to make improvements to the grounds and facilities at the school. As all students benefit from the improvement to grounds and facilities all parents are encouraged to attend.
The Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011 (the WWVP Act) commenced on 8 November 2012. It aims to reduce the risk of harm or neglect to vulnerable people in the ACT.
The WWVP Act requires those who work or volunteer with vulnerable people to have a background check and be registered.
The premise of background checking is that the past behaviour of an individual can provide an indication of the possible future behaviour of that individual. Examples or patterns of abusive or inappropriate behaviour can sometimes be evident in information available for assessment, which includes an individual’s criminal record.
The ACT Government considers that the creation of a checking system with appropriate safeguards for people who work with, or who want to work with vulnerable people is consistent with section 28 of the Human Rights Act 2004.
To apply for a WWVP registration card follow these three easy steps.
- Complete a WWVP application for registration (Online)
- Attend an Access Canberra Service Centre located at Belconnen, Gungahlin, Tuggeranong or Woden to provide proof of your identity (refer below) and have your photo taken.
- Receive your WWVP registration card by post after Access Canberra has assessed your application.