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9 June | Family Sabbath Week |
18 June | Vinnies Sleep Out @ Home |
19 June | PJ Day |
24 June | Our Lady of Perpetual Help Feast Day Celebration |
29 June | NAIDOC Week |
3 July | Last Day for Term 3 |
Please remember that copies of notes sent home are available on our website.
We have had an amazing week and a half with everyone back onsite. It is so great to have all students (just a couple of families still at home and returning shortly) and all staff back together again. Students have been so well behaved and engaged, I think more appreciative of school and what they have been missing out on. Staff have loved over the last couple of weeks, spending time with each child and re-establishing those all important connections. Thank you once again for all your support. We have got through this period together!
Intercultural Understandings
Over the last week, it has been hard not to be thinking and reflecting about what is occurring right across the world regarding the human rights movement against systemic racism and violence.
It is important to discuss this with your child/ren, as they are hearing and seeing what is happening and it is an important learning opportunity for them, the future generations of our society.
My advice would be to talk to children in language that they would understand and they are familiar with, to help them understand what is happening. Focus on a few terms, such as, Restorative Practice, Empathy, Love and Diversity. These are terms we use at school often.
Restorative Practice is about building, maintaining and restoring relationships and community. Just because something was an accident or wasn't done with any intent, if someone is hurt by your actions, it is important to own that and help to repair the harm so it doesn't happen again.
Empathy is one’s ability to connect with another person by building relationships built on mutual trust and understanding. To put yourself in someone else's shoes. It’s so important to think about how other people feel, because we are all different and can feel different things at different times based on what is happening for us at that moment.
Love is about trust, about peace, about freedom to be you. It is important for us to listen, to be open, to be fair. We can all be better, and love is the commitment to strive to be better each day.
Diversity is the celebration and acknowledgment of differences and commonalities across cultures. We are so blessed to be all different. It is important though, that everyone feels supported and safe at all times.
Intercultural understanding is a General Capability of the Australian Curriculum and is embedded in the way we teach at St Michael's. It is about engaging students’ interest in the lives of others. The idea is to promote curiosity, care, empathy, reciprocity, respect and responsibility, open-mindedness and critical awareness, and supports new and positive intercultural behaviours. It centres around three critical dispositions – expressing empathy, demonstrating respect and taking responsibility.
We will continue this week, especially in light of what is happening in the world right now, to discuss, pray, educate and empower students to deepen their developing understanding and to encourage them to make a positive difference in this world
Wellbeing of Staff
Over the last couple of months, I have been in awe of the staff at St Michael's. Their commitment and passion has been truly inspiring. To continue to thank them, and look after their wellbeing, each term we invite Sarah, from Hands On Corporate Massage for all staff to have a 15 minute neck and shoulder massage. This time around, I am sure it will be truly welcomed. A small way we can say thank you to our staff each term and ensure they take the time to reflect and recharge.
This week I look forward to meeting some of our new families for 2021. Our Kindergarten students and their families have their enrolment interviews this week. We will also welcome some other students across the school in 2021, with new students enrolled for Year 1, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 at this stage.
I always love this time of year. It is such a privilege to be able to especially meet these 4 year old children and then be able to watch them as they grow and develop over the years. The journey of schooling is a big one and the choice parents make for a school is massive. We are thankful to all our families for choosing St Michael's, for the trust and partnership that is created when a child (and family) enrols with us. We enrol a family, not just a child at St Michael's.
Don't forget our Vinnie's SleepOut@Home occurring next Thursday (18 June). We would love every family to donate $5 (via Qkr! App under Charity Donations) to go to St Vincent de Paul Society to help those in need this winter. We will also be having a PJ Day on Friday 19 June where students wear their PJs to school and bring in a winter woolly to donate.
Enjoy the week ahead.
Take care.
Pat Ellis
As mentioned previously, our Semester reports will look a little different this time around. One big difference will be the addition of 'Engagement with Learning' which is linked directly with the Australian Curriculum.
This year we implemented our 'Keys for Learning' based on an extensive reflective process last year on what we (parents, staff and students) value at St Michael's and what we believe about learning.
We have aligned our Keys for Learning with the Engagement with Learning as below.
Considers different perspective when working with others |
Displays self-discipline and set goals
Completes class work according to agreed timelines
Monitors, assesses and revises plans to complete tasks and goals |
Demonstrates curiosity, imagines possibilities and connects ideas
Works independently and shows initiative |
Pose questions, identifies and clarifies information and ideas
Evaluates the effectiveness of ideas, procedures and outcomes
Draws conclusion and designs a course of action
Transfers knowledge to new contexts
Reflects on thinking, actions and processes |
Takes responsibility for and manages behaviour appropriately
Recognises and expresses own emotions constructively with others
Religious Education Curriculum
3/4 students reflections on their learning
In Religion the 3/4s have been learning about the Last Supper and the Passover. The Passover and the Last Supper are a very important part of Religion. The 3/4s learnt that the Passover is when Jews killed a male lamb and put the lamb blood on their door poles in the afternoon so that the angel of death does not come and kill them. The 3/4s also learnt that the Last Supper was the time when Jesus died. I hope you are happy with what your child/children have learnt. By Macy
5/6 student reflections on their learning.
This term in RE we have been learning about the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Some of these topics include wonder and awe which is when you think about what you are doing and question yourself. Is this correct? Have I done my best to succeed? Is this my best work?
Knowledge:is the power of the brain. Knowledge makes sure that when we learn something we keep it in our brains so we can use the power that we have learnt and make knowledge makes us able to understand which is the next bit.
Understanding: understanding is a key learning experience. Understanding helps us to know what we are doing which can be helpful in your everyday life from cutting an apple to learning at school, high school, college or university and if you are old enough work. I know it will take me at least a few years to start working let alone go to college.
Wisdom: wisdom is knowing the Lord. Knowing the lord can be explained if a few ways, knowing the Lord is a very important catholic skill that everyone would know knowing the lord is like you know what he was, what he did, who he was.
By Phillip & Clarisse
Religious Life of St Michael’s School Community
Thursday 18 June is the CEO Sleep Out night. You are invited to join in this initiative to raise awareness of the hardships of homelessness, as well as raise money and donate Winter Woolies, to support St Vincent de Paul look after those in our own community in need.
This year we will ‘Stay Safe and Sleep Out @Home’. Our SleepOut@Home package of activities, will be uploaded to the St Michael’s Remote Learning website just prior to the evening.
The evening offers opportunities to find out about homelessness and to experience in a small way the hardships suffered by the homeless. All families are most welcome to take part from home this year.
There is also a button on Qkr! for charity donations which we will send to St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol to support their fabulous work in our local community.
We look forward to seeing your family photos of how you became involved in this important initiative – there will be a post on our Facebook page on the evening where you can comment by including a photo from your SleepOut@Home.
Further information, please email
Mini Vinnies’ Winter Woolies PJ Day
Friday the 19June, following the SleepOut@Home, all students are invited to come to school in their pyjamas. Students are asked to bring in winter woolies for donating to St Vincent de Paul for this day. St Vincent de Paul tell us they are in desperate need of new warm socks, gloves, good condition pre-loved warm jumpers and jackets and warm blankets. Donations can be dropped to the Front Office to keep them in one consolidated area.
We would also ask for families to donate via the Qkr! app under charity donations. $5 donation from every family would go a long way to give to those in need this winter.
A donated winter item and a $5 Qkr! donation from every family would be amazing!
Feast of Corpus Christi
This coming weekend is the feast of Corpus Christi – the holy body and blood of Christ. We focus as a Church on the importance of our belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. It is a good time to reflect on where you see Jesus in your own life. How are you the presence of Jesus for other?
Join Father Loi in celebrating Mass live on Saturday evening at 6pm on the Our Lady of Perpetual Help – North Belconnen Facebook page. Whilst we cannot receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at present we can come together to celebrate Eucharist, even if it is virtually.
Borrowing will recommence for all students next week. The loan limit will return to 3 books per student. Over the past few weeks more than 200 new books have been added to our collection.
Overdue Loans
Thanks to the many families who have returned library books over the last two weeks. Overdue notices will come home next week with any students who still have overdue books. If you are able to return these books as soon as possible it would be of great assistance.
MS Readathon
The MS Readathon support those living with Multiple Sclerosis and runs for the month of August. Although we are not taking part as a school, individuals are able to register to participate. For any students interested in taking part, more information can be found in the link below.
A small ring was found in the sandpit, please contact Lisa in the Front Office if your child has lost a ring.
Please remember to check your child's clothing to ensure it has been labelled and that your child has the correct clothing. I have families missing labelled items and I have a lot of unamed items in the lost property bins.
Congratulations to the following students who achieved a Harmony Award in Week 6. Those students will be announced over the PA on Friday mornings and the teachers will hand out the awards. Well done!!
KL | Peter K |
1/2B | Zanna B |
1/2W | Oliver S |
3/4A | Madison M |
3/4F | Elise E |
3/4FR | Michelle C |
5/6F | Jarrah K |
5/6K | Mitchell M |
Special wishes to those children who celebrate their birthday this week:
James 3/4A & Parth 3/4FR
We hope you have a great day!!
Parish Masses
Parish Masses have started again this week. You must book in to attend these Masses. Please follow the link to book in and to read the new safety measures in place by the Parish.
Please find attached below the letter regarding the updated Archdiocesan Protocols.