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- Important Dates & Events
- Principal's Page - Judy Egan
- School Student Broadband Initiative (free NBN service)
- Kinder Health Checks Reminder!
- Happy Birthday
- Harmony Awards
- Religious Education News - Erika Tokich
- Parish News
- The Resilience Project!
- Sport & Library News - Erin Hardwicke
- Lowes Sale!
- Join a Team in 2025!
- Cats AFL
- School Counsellor
- School Sport ACT - ACT Teams Selection - 2025
- Equity Fund - 2025
Friday 28 February | 8.50am |
Assembly in Courtyard Presentation of Birthday Certificates, Harmony Awards, Swimming Ribbons & Swimming Trophy |
4 March | 8.00am | Family Pancake Breakfast- Shrove Tuesday |
5 March | 12.00pm | Ash Wednesday Mass |
7 March | 2.00pm | Year 1/2 Showcase Assembly in Hall |
10 March | Canberra Day Public Holiday | |
3 April | Ryka Ali Performance | |
3 April | St Michael's Cross Country | |
4 April | School Photos | |
11 April | Pupil Free Day |
Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you for the way you drive safely around our school and surrounds. Please remember that young children are not able to anticipate danger, this is why we don’t allow children to be in the car park alone particularly at pick-up time.
Car line
Just a reminder that in order to keep our afternoon car line moving smoothly we need parents to avoid arriving early and parking in the space. This causes a bank up of cars on Tyrrell Circuit and we have complaints from families unable to exit their driveway of an afternoon. If you would like to arrive early you are very welcome to park on the basketball courts. Thank you for your help to make car line run smoothly from 3pm.
Shrove Tuesday, family pancake breakfast- next week!
We would love you to join us in the calm space from 8am on Tuesday 4 March to enjoy a pancake, cuppa and some other breakfast items we will source. Please log into Compass and let us know numbers for attendance and catering purposes. Bring some cash and gold coins and enjoy catching up, mingling and meeting some other families. We will need you to keep an eye on your kids till 8:20am when supervision starts. Thank you to the Community Council Team and families who have volunteered to help. (Further details are on Compass).
St Michael’s Out of School Hours Care
For enrolments call: 0401 821 081 or
Before school care 7am – 9am Mon to Fri
After school care: 3:10pm – 6pm Mon to Fri
For feedback or questions please contact
Karen Pollard is the Executive Director of Community Services #1 contacts below:
Ph: 02 6126 4701 Mob: 0412 139 156
Or chat to Boya Zheng our Director at St Michael’s
It was great to see so many families at our Parent Information Evening, Swimming Carnival and Opening School Mass. It has been a busy and exciting start to the year.
Assembly Reminder for this Friday morning 28 April!
Now that our Kinders are at school full time, we will have our weekly morning assembly returning to Fridays at 8:50am. This is a short gathering where we hand out Birthday Certificates and Harmony Awards. This week we will hand out our Swimming Ribbons and our Swimming Trophy. All welcome!
Many Blessings as we walk together with open hearts.
Judy Egan
School Student Broadband Initiative (free NBN service)
The Federal Government's School Student Broadband Initiative provides a free NBN service to eligible families with school age children. Please see the link below:
Congratulations to the following students who achieved a Harmony Award this week.
Well done!!
K Yellow | Jack W |
1/2 Blue | Selena V |
1/2 Red | Ariana T |
3/4 Green | Carol G |
3/4 Orange | Gordon D |
5/6 Indigo | Indie L |
5/6 Pink | Amalie S |
Religious Education News - Erika Tokich
Whole School Mass
Last Thursday we gathered together as a community to celebrate our Whole School Opening Mass for 2025. We reflected on the Jubilee year and our theme for this year ‘Walking Together in Friendship’. The Scripture passages reminded us that we are meant to journey alongside others in hope and friendship, learning from Jesus’ teachings. During the mass teachers and students were given a blessing for the year ahead. The Year 6 leaders took their leadership pledge and were presented with their leadership roles and badges. A big thank you to our newly formed Youth Group for leading Mass with readings and performing our school song for the year ‘Jesus is our Friend’. Thank you also to families and friends who were able to join us. May the year ahead be filled with hope, joy and friendship.

Shrove Tuesday is the day that precedes Ash Wednesday. It is sometimes called Pancake Tuesday or Fat Tuesday. It is traditionally a day of feasting and celebrating before the start of 40 days of Lent.
Ash Wednesday, a holy day is observed by Catholics as well as other Christians around the world. During Mass a cross is marked on peoples’ foreheads using the blessed ashes from the burned Palm Sunday branches from the previous year. Everyone is welcome, no matter their faith to receive the blessed ashes. This cross signed in ash on foreheads reminds people of their mortality and symbolises the dust from which God made us. Ash Wednesday marks the start of our Lenten Journey, a time to prepare ourselves for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
All are welcome to join us for Mass on Ash Wednesday, 12 midday at St Michael’s Church.
Project CompassionThe beginning of Lent also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal. Project Compassion 2025 calls on us to stand and ‘Unite Against Poverty’. St Michael’s will join thousands of schools, parishes and supporters nationwide to allow Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work with local communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. Every dollar raised, helps change the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people and stand in solidarity with them.
This Lenten season, we encourage you to put your compassion into action by almsgiving in support of Project Compassion. Each family will receive a Project Compassion money box for their donations which will be collected in Week 10 this term. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Parish Sacramental Program
2025 Sacramental Program – for students who are baptised and will be in years 4-6 in 2025.
Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated in term 1, 2025
Sacrament of First Communion will be celebrated in term 2, 2025
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in term 3, 2025
For further Information – please contact the Sacramental Program Coordinator at or check the parish website at
We are very excited to offer a Digital Wellbeing Webinar for St Michael’s families, hosted by Leah from The Resilience Project.
Date: Wednesday, 19th March from 6:30 to 7:30 PM
This one-hour webinar guides parents and carers to reflect on their family’s digital wellbeing, before diving into practical strategies to create healthy habits online and strengthen connections at home. This presentation will also unpack the latest research on screen time and its impact on individual and collective wellbeing in the home.
This is a practical and powerful webinar designed to meet the needs or families to ensure students are safe in our digital world. St Michael’s values the wellbeing of all students and has prioritised funding this excellent resource. To register, please use this link. The Resilience Project will then send you a zoom link and calendar invitation.
Sport & Library News - Erin Hardwicke
Belconnen Region Swimming Carnival
We wish Felix (3/4O), Zoe M (3/4G), Leo (5/6I), Chloe B (5/6I) and Mahli (5/6I) all the best as they compete at the Belconnen Region Swimmimg Championships on Tuesday 25 March.
Students have received their information letters yesterday and the event in on Compass for further information.
Cross Country Carnival- Thursday 3 April 2025
Our school cross country carnival will be held Thursday 3 April. We are looking for 10 parent helpers who would be willing to assist as course volunteers from 9-11am. If you are able to assist, please email
We would really apprecate your help!
A wonderful opportunity for prospective families to see the College in action, meet our students and attend the Principal’s Address, Year 7 and 11 Information Evenings and lots more.
Visit for all dates and information for our Open Day and enrolment events.
- Open Day, Principal’s Address and Year 7 2026 Information Night: Wednesday 7 May
- Be a Merici Girl Days: 2, 5, 12 May
- Talk and Tour: 10 May
Hi parents and carers,
My name is Jo, and I am happy to be returning to St. Michaels as the school counsellor this year.
The school counselling program can be used as a first port of call in supporting and addressing your child’s mental wellbeing within the school environment. As the school counsellor, I can work with your kids using a short-term, child-led intervention model to support them in addressing any concerns relating to big feelings, relationships, growth and emotional regulation and expression. Through sessions that involve a lot of play, art and talking – I aim to facilitate a safe and objective space for children to explore their feelings and provide guidance and strategies for them to learn to manage and regulate themselves in different contexts.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to enquire further about the service, and whether it might be helpful for your child.
If you would like to make a referral for your child, please use the link below to access the online form. Once this referral has been put through, I will be in touch as soon as possible to chat through your concerns and discuss how the service might be helpful to support your child.
I look forward to working with you and your school throughout 2025.
School Sport ACT - ACT Teams Selection - 2025
School Sport ACT - ACT Teams Selection - Important Information
Please see the School Sport ACT webpage or Facebook page for the most up to date information.
SCHOOL SPORT ACT TRIALS – Please keep an eye on the School Sport ACT website for upcoming ACT trials. The process for registering can be found below. If you need any assistance registering your child please feel free to ask for assistance.
How to register your child with School Sport ACT
School Sport ACT now collects all registration information online – this is to prevent the movement to and fro of a paper note and have all information readily available to officials prior to the trial. As this process incurs a fee for data storage, system maintenance and admin, a small fee payment via credit card will be required.
- Go to the School Sport ACT website –
- Click Register (top right corner of homepage) for an Account – enter parent details and password
- A confirmation email will be sent to your chosen email that will contain a link that you must click on to verify the email account.
- Click Log In (top right hand corner of home page) enter password then click on top tab My Profile
- You will see a ‘dashboard’ of your information, click green box to Add Student – enter student and medical details and save.
- Go to the Sports Tab – choose your specific sport, click on Trial Information box then click on the Register to Trial link.
- Select your child’s name from the dropdown box and then enter the optional fields for Playing History, Preferred Position (if applicable) and Representative Experience. If you are already in the system, ensure your child’s school is up to date in your profile – have they moved onto High School?