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23 Nov WSPT - KL @ 2.15
26/11 - 30/11 Swimming K-2
28 Nov Kinder 2019 Orientation Session 2
30 Nov WSPT - 1/2M @ 2.15
3 Dec - 7 Dec Swimming K-2
7 Dec Arts Showcase Assembly
11 Dec Family Christmas Spectacular @ 6pm
14 Dec Yr 6 Farewell/Final Awards Assembly @ 2pm
18 Dec Graduation Mass & Celebration @ 5.30pm
- 2019 Camp note
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are half way through the last term of 2018. Wow, the year has flown by. Looking forward to the last few weeks of the year to have fun and celebrate the huge achievements that have occurred this year.
Goals for 2018
You may recall at the start of the year we indicated three specific areas we were focusing on for 2018. Firstly, improving the data we collect on student's achievement and ensuring we use that data and information to inform our teaching practice. Secondly, ensuring that resourcing within the school is targeted and student centred and lastly, building the leadership within the school of both staff and students.
I am pleased to inform you all that we have made huge headway in these three areas. We have created a electronic data wall which assists us to track student achievement and ensures we are focusing on individual needs. We will continue with this next year, allowing significant amount of time for staff to analyse student achievement as a staff group ensuring all students are being supported and challenged.
We have changed much of what we do at St Michael's to ensure both inside and outside spaces are well-resourced and engaging for students. We have also changed our approach to the additional support that classes and students receive to ensure it is used more effectively.
Lastly, all staff have taken on leadership roles within the school in specific areas and we have developed a stronger student leadership program, something we will continue in 2019. Thank you for all for your continued support and providing feedback. It is much appreciated.
One particular area of focus this year has been to develop a culture of sustainability at St Michael's centred around Miss Jordan's Garden. A key part of this was the creation of Sustainability Leaders. On Tuesday, Damien Webb and two representatives from the sustainability group attended the ActSmart Schools Leadership Awards at the ACT Legislative Assembly. Congratulations to our Sustainability group who were nominated.
Governor General's Sport Day
Tomorrow, Damien Webb and various students across Years 3-6 will attend the annual Governor General's Sport Day. This is a great active day of fun. Looking forward to hearing all about it.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tonight, our Year 3 students will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. An important step on their Sacramental journey with quiet reflection and strengthening their relationship with God. Thank you to Meaghan Younger and the Year 3 teachers for supporting the students through this journey. Thank you also to the parents and family members for your support.
We will farewell Rima Kemp at the end of the year. Rima is currently our Indonesian teacher and she commenced at the start of this year. Rima also works at another school and she has decided to finish up and focus on other things that might present leading into the new year. We thank Rima for teaching and promoting the Indonesian language and culture this year. We congratulate and welcome Jacqueline Ramesh to St Michael's who will be taking over as Indonesian Teacher for 2019.
I am hoping to have all the pieces of the staffing puzzle completed in the next fortnight, where I will annouce what grades teachers will be on and other roles. Thank you for your patience regarding this.
Christmas Carol Spectacular Night
This night is fast approaching and so far we have over 170 people rsvp'd (please pray for great weather). As mentioned, this night is about celebrating the festive season and spending time together. The staff and community council would like to say thank you for all your support this year. There will be a free BBQ. Thank you to everyone who has rsvp'd for catering purposes. Could I please ask that you add to the list whether you would be wanting a burger or sausage sandwich. We want to make sure we cater appropriately and have minimum waste at the end of the night. This just gives us a rough idea of what to order. Remember, you are most welcome to bring your own food also for the outside picnic.
Also, information will be coming home shortly regarding providing something for our Christmas Bake Store. In the Christmas spirit, money raised at this store will be donated to some local charities in need at this time of the year.
This night is about celebrating, having fun, giving back and spending time with our amazing school community. This is not a fundraising night, this is solely a community celebration night. We would love to see you all there!
Just a reminder to our school community that we are phasing out the Skoolbag app. In 2019, we will be only using the Schoolzine app (which is linked to our website). The Front Office has more information regarding downloading that app.
In line with our new approach to our newsletter, and being more sustainable, we will also be phasing out printing copies of our newsletter. At present we print some newsletters for the note stand, Parish and some families. In 2019, we will not be printing any newsletters. These will be only available online. Anyone can subscribe to our newsletter and they will receive an email link to access the newsletter and print it yourselves if you like. Thank you for your support with this and promoting a sustainable school.
Enjoy the week ahead.
Pat Ellis
Congratulations and well done to the following children who were the 'Junk to Funk' winners: Isabella KL, Stella 1/2F, Dylan 3/4W and Sarah Ba 5/6B
All artwork is on display in the library, please drop by and have a look.
Congratulations to the following children who achieved a Harmony Award in Week 6 and will receive their award at our next assembly on 7 December.
KL | Kosta |
1/2F | Liam |
1/2M | Maya |
3/4W | Jarrah |
3/4YM | Jayla |
5/6B | Bailey |
5/6H | Shakira |
5/6R | Peter |
First Reconciliation
We keep in our prayers the students that will receive their First Reconciliation tonight. The Second Rite of Reconciliation celebrations will be held at St Michael’s Church tonight (Thursday 22nd November) beginning at 6:00pm.
Whole School Prayer Time
We look forward to Kindergarten’s Whole School Prayer Time this Friday 23rd November. All families are welcome to join us for this celebration from 2:15 in St Michael’s Church.
Advent Liturgies
Advent is our season of preparation for Christmas in the Catholic Church. Advent begins on Sunday 2nd December this year. At St Michael’s we will pause after morning assembly on the last four Fridays of term for a short Advent prayer service. Families are most welcome to stay with us for these special liturgical season celebrations. Advent prayer celebrations will be led by the following classes:
1st Advent |
2nd Advent |
3rd Advent |
4th Advent |
Friday 30th November 8:50am |
Friday 7th December 8:50am |
Friday 14th December 8:50am |
Friday 21st December 8:50am |
5/6H |
3/4W |
KL |
1/2M |
St Vincent de Paul Giving Tree
As in previous years at this time of the year, we like to think of those less fortunate than ourselves. Starting Monday 3 December our Christmas Tree will be set up in the foyer to place unwrapped gifts or non perishable food items under the tree. These gifts will be presented at our Giving Mass on Tuesday 11 December at 9.30am, a reminder will come home next week.
K-2 Swimming
Swimming lessons for all students in K-2 begin on Monday. Please remember that the bus is leaving at 9:30am. We are looking forward to attending lessons each day for the next two weeks.
The students are to wear their swimmers to school and bring their uniform, including shoes, socks and underwear (all labelled) in a plastic bag. Students will change into their uniform when they return to school after their swimming lessons.
Don't forget your towel!!
Saturday 16 March 10-2pm
We only have 10 days to go until our Autumn Fete. Many people have been busy behind the scene organising and preparing to make this day a huge success. Like any fundraising, there is a certain risk involved regarding how much work has gone into the event vs the amount of people who will turn up to support and the amount of money we will raise. Please support by attending and purchasing as much as you can and please invite friends and families to do the same. We are a small Catholic primary school who rely heavily on funds raised at events such as this to purchase bigger ticket items like playground equipment, furniture and tech equipment to name a few items. Please support and please give generously.
We are still looking for
- Jars
- Craft items to sell
- Second hand books (in good condition) to be dropped off (tables on stage in the hall). We are after children's books and good quality literature.
- Next week, information will come home regarding baking items for the cake store.
Each class has been allocated a stall, and we would ask parents/carers from that class to volunteer to help run the stall on the actual day.
Please follow the link below to the google doc to put your name against a time slot, all help is greatly appreciated.
All volunteers will need to have a WWVP card, however if you do not have a card you are required to sign a statutory declaration which is available at the Front Office.
Week 8
This is the last week for borrowing books, could all library books please be returned next week.
Thank you for your assistance with this.
This week, Kindergarten had a surprise visit from the Fire Brigade. The students had a great time with the firefighters, learning the importance of what to do in the event of a fire. They were also thrilled to see the fire truck and spray some water around.
Friday 30th November (Week 7)
9-11.30 YMCA
12.30-1.30 Jane
Friday 7th December (Week 8)
9-11.30 YMCA
12.30-1.30 Fiona
Thank you for your assistance, all help is greatly appreciated.
The bins near the sliding doors are filling up very quickly with unnamed clothing and lunchboxes/drink bottles.
Please ensure that your children's belongings are clearly labelled. If you are missing an item, please remember to check the bins, any unclaimed items at the end of Term will be disposed of.